Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thing #17

For Rollyo I downloaded Firefox. I was hesitant, but I had noticed in blogs that many use Firefox. I found that it was pretty neat. My stomach dropped when I noticed that my and tag icon was not on it. I had spent hours on tagging my favorite sites on I had also deleted them from my favorites! I figured out how to reconfigure the icons, thank goodness. I found it interesting that I had a few more sights tagged. Does anyone know why? They were good educational sights.
I looked at other Rollyos to try to understand them. It was harder than normal, because I could not watch a video. I understand and created one for healthy and easy foods (to cook). I understand that you can search sites in your named categories or the web in general.
In the classroom I could use this for specific research sites that would be good for children. I could also give children choices during center time during language arts or math. They could choose to search the sites I had in a specific category.

1 comment:

Ms J said...

23 Things has been a challenge for me. I've removed my avatar and I was ready to scream. I had to go back and reread and yea, I got it back! It's fun and time consuming!